It might not have been the most eloquent of speeches, but the message was dead-on. And for saying it on national TV, I say:

It's been a long couple weeks for me. (And believe me, in light of recent events, I say that with a sense of perspective that plants my tongue in my cheek.) I've gone under the knife in a minor surgery, suffered through major tooth pain (both unrelated oddly enough), and like a majority of this country, I'm still struggling to process all of the disturbing images that I can't seem to stop watching on the television. Throwing cash at the problem just doesn't do much for me, even though I've already made a donation. I need a break, and I'm taking today off. I leave you with one of the best anti-government songs of recent note.

The Gris Gris - "Necessary Separation"

Visit Gris Gris on the web here. Watch the video clip of Kayne West here.


Blogger Jonathan Wright said...

Peep this:

Anybody else thinkin bout pickin up the new Kanye? I can't remember the last contemporary hip hop record I bought. Probably the last Outkast.

9/09/2005 2:54 PM  

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